
Occasionally your work gets recognition from your peers or reaches a wider, sometimes unexpected, audience. It's fun, but ultimately it's the clients' success that matters.


Occasionally your work gets recognition from your peers or reaches a wider, sometimes unexpected, audience. It's fun, but ultimately it's the clients' success that matters.


KANTAR Information is Beautiful Awards 2015
Nomination for Oscar Dress Interactive Illustrations


KANTAR Information is Beautiful Awards 2015
Nomination for Oscar Speeches Data Visualisation


KANTAR Information is Beautiful Awards 2015
Nomination for World Cup Football Shirts Data Visualisation


The Best Actress Oscar Dress Infographic
This data visualisation, commissioned by a London based SEO and content marketing agency, was picked up by fashion and design press from around the world and had over 375 placements with the company seeing over 150,000 visitors to their website alone. The estimated number of views globally was 100,000,000! The artwork was reproduced into posters and published within design and fashion industry books in the UK, Japan and Holland.



Charming Movie
The company I work for were initially approached to produce a pre-production poster that could be used to generate interest and pre-sales in the movie from distributors around the globe. Once in production we worked alongside Charming Animation Co. to produce further teaser graphics which were used through online, print and social channels to spark interest in the upcoming movie. We then went about producing teaser-led pieces which were sent through the all-star cast’s social media accounts to their millions of fans around the world. During the process I was fortunate enough to liaise directly with the director and one of the stars of the film when producing artwork for their social media channels.

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